The Emergence, Life, and Demise of Autocratic Regimes (ELDAR) is a large ongoing project that I am leading. ELDAR is funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million Euro).
The project team will study processes of autocratization, policy-making in autocracies (education, pensions, infrastructure, media), and how and why autocratic regimes break down.
In ELDAR, we will focus in particular on the preferences and capacities of vital actors in autocratic politics, notably the groups that make up the regime support coalition as well as mobilized opposition groups.
The team will consist of Sirianne Dahlum, Vilde Lunnan Djuve, John Gerring, Haakon Gjerløw, Magnus B. Rasmussen, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Tore Wig, one Phd student, and three Postdocs.