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Presenting Paper at EPSA 2019, BELFAST
- Who Rules? Support Coalitions and Regime Survival, 1789-2020, with S Dahlum, MB Rasmussen and T Wig
- The Solidaristic Class: Urban Workers and Welfare State Development, 1860-1955, with MB Rasmussen, S Dahlum and T Wig
- On the Move: Autocratic Leaders, Security, and Capital Relocations, with L Morgenbesser and T Wig
- Behind the throne: Regime support coalitions around the world, 1789-2020, with S Dahlum, MB Rasmussen and T Wig
- Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic Backsliding, with KL Marquardt, B Seim, M Coppedge, A Edgell, J Medzihorsky, D Pemstein, J Teorell, J Gerring and SI Lindberg
- Education Policies and Systems across Modern History: A Global Dataset, with Adrián del Río and PM Lutscher
- Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, with P Kolvani
- Cui Bono? Business Elites and Interstate Conflict?, with T Wig, S Dahlum and MB Rasmussen
- Paths to Power: A New Dataset on the Social Profile of Governments, with J Nyrup, PE Langsæther and IL Kristiansen
- Dimensions of State Capacity and Modes of Democratic Breakdown, with DDE Andersen and S-E Skaaning
- The Diverse Effects of Hard Propaganda in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes, with P Lutscher and J Dræge